Music Videos/Commercials
Music video for "Just Move" by Blueprint
Weightless & Hæ present
Blueprint | Just Move
Producer Blueprint Produced by Ronnell Elkins & Tony Bumgarner
Directed, Shot, Edited by Ason Intrigue
Assistant to the Director Kendall Troy
Second Camera Operator Julian Cicone
Unit Photographer Angela Makeever
Key Grip, Addition Equipment Jam Javor
Production Assistant Heather Jayens
BeRiky Ouk
Tony SpastiK Bumgarner
Swift Lee Singharaj
Tito Salih
Anthony Toon Marshall
Kayin Sketch Glover
Drew Simmons
Samnang Genghis Than
T.S. Emerson
Jeremy Jermz Swint
Jason Chili Cho
Drew Giese
Alex StashPhase Stroup
Transit Arts
Britt Brat
Bboy Skip
Chris Ellison
Rithy Than
Musclebasix "Strength"
Commercial by Arris Productions
"What if I told you that you were the strongest person in the world? Would you believe me?
If I told you that at this very moment, right here and right now, you have the ability to be the strongest person the world has ever seen, would you think I was crazy? Most of you would be
in disbelief, and say "nonsense, I can't lift a car, I can't run the fastest, I can't fight the best..."
But that's exactly where we need new insight. For you see, none of that stuff matters.
What you bench, what you weigh, how fast, how many titles... forget it. That is not true strength. Strength is cultivated in the mind and the heart, and when it is viewed as such, everyone has the ability to be the strongest in the world." - Robbie Burst
Packt Like Sardines In A Crushd Tin Box(Radiohead cover)
Music video produced by Arris Productions
Musician Blueprint cover's Radioheads song "Packt Like Sardines In A Crushd Tin Box"
LxE for the Uncool | FLOWƏRS
Music video by Arris Productions
LxE for the Uncool | FLOWƏRS
Music video by Arris Productions